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rift valley 【地質學;地理學】地塹;裂谷。


D ) the invasion of jinningian - chengjiangian alkali basite were unambiguous , the distribution of those rocks form “ z “ in shape , which similar with luoyin fracture zone and the distribution of copper deposit . it shows that copper deposits were controlled by discordogenic fault and its derived sub - structure , and there are relationship between copper deposit and jinningian - chengjiangian alkali basite . e ) most of minerogenetic age of copper deposit , which located in kunyang rift valley , belongs to jinningian - chengjiangian ( between 900 - 650ma ) , similar with the time limit of breaking - up of rodinia 東川礦區晉寧-澄江期堿基性巖侵入活動明顯,常作為因民組復雜角礫巖膠結物和巖脈(體)產出,多分布于深大斷裂及其派生的次級構造附近,明顯受南北向小江深大斷裂走滑運動引起的右行旋扭及其派生構造控制,與“落因破碎帶”和“銅礦分布”較吻合,均為“ z ”字形。

Xikuangshan type copper ore deposit named those fe - cu deposits hosted in yinmin formation , kunyang group , which located in kunyang rift valley and the edge of southwest yangzi platform . the best example is xikuangshan allotment , luoxue ore area , dongchuan , yunnan . the type deposit spread in south kunyang rift valley , include dongchuan , wuding - luoci , yuanjiang , yimen , huashengping , hongmenchang and so on 稀礦山式銅礦是指賦存在昆陽群因民組地層中的銅鐵礦床,其大地構造背景屬于元古代裂谷帶,大陸裂谷是超大型銅等多金屬礦形成和分布的有利環境,在裂谷下部常發育異常地幔和巖漿源,裂谷空間上的多層次性使礦床具有明顯垂向分帶特征,其演化時間的長期性、脈動性和繼承性便于多期成礦作用相互疊加、礦質的高度聚集。

The long approximately 12 kilometer big riftvalleys , widely are in dire straits 200 meters , narrowly is in direstraits 6 meters , the rift valley two sides is unaquainted withneighbors , actually with difficulty is interlinked , the rift valleymost deep place 300 meters , the depth does not see the bottom , hasformed the thrilling unusual precipice marvelous sight 長約12公里的大裂谷,最寬處約200米,最窄處約6米,裂谷兩側雞犬相聞,卻難以相通,裂谷最深處300余米,深不見底,形成了驚險奇特的絕壁奇景。

World food program spokeswoman , christiane berthiuame , says that because of insecurity , they had to stop food distribution in the slums of nairobi as well as to displaced people and victims of the conflict in the rift valley 世界糧食計畫組織發言人克莉絲汀柏西烏梅說,因為動蕩不安,他們必須停止奈洛比貧民區,還有在東非大裂谷中難民跟災民的食物發放。

In rift valleynarrowest place during , the natural megalith spans together , thenatural moat changes the thoroughfare ancient , the rift valley twosides cliffs 峙 立 , wooden towering , the wild flower is brilliant , sight fluttering flags 在裂谷最窄處,一塊天然巨石橫亙其間,天塹變通途,裂谷兩側懸崖峙立、古木參天、山花爛漫,風光旖旎。

There have never been scrapie , bovine spongiform encephalopathy , african horse sickness , african swine fever , vesicular stomatitis , lumpy skin disease , rift valley fever and peste - des - petits ruminants in china 中國境內從未發生過癢病、牛海綿狀腦病、非洲馬瘟、非洲豬瘟、水泡性口炎、結節性皮炎、裂谷熱和小反芻獸疫。

The violence has been especially bad in parts of the rift valley where different groups had intermingled as a result of the redistribution of former white - owned land since independence 在東非大裂谷發生的暴力事件是特別糟糕的,該地區由不同民族混居,這都是自肯尼亞獨立以來對前白人占有的土地進行重新分配的結果。

It indicates there are close relationship between the forming of copper deposit in kunyang rift valley and the breaking - up of rodinia 表明東川礦區銅礦形成與深大斷裂及其派生次級構造和晉寧?澄江期堿基性巖侵入活動關系密切; 5

The rift valley has become a hub for much of the ethnic violence that has worsened sharply in the past fortnight 東非大裂谷已經成了多數種族暴力事件的中心地帶,而且在過去的兩周里出現了劇烈的惡化。

The 已 衣 big rift valley is apart from the yunnan wudingcounty seat 123 kilometers , the existing ball rock road isinterlinked 己衣大裂谷距云南武定縣城123公里,現有彈石路相通。

Seamounts , underwater volcanoes , rift valley , the mid - ocean ridge , constitute a rich world of the ocean floor 海底山脈、海底火山、裂谷、大洋中脊等等,構成了豐富的海底世界。

Day tours to taroko national park and east rift valley , white - water rafting , whale watching tours … 代辦太魯閣一日游、花東縱谷一日游、泛舟一日游、賞鯨. . .等活動。